Great to see you still alive … My ConQuest 44 schedule

44-LOGO_MAYHEM_200l[1]I know. I know. I’ve been offline for several months. After jumping back on social media, several people have sent me notes telling me that they were glad to see me alive.

Well, if you want to see me in the flesh at ConQuest … here you go (though there are much cooler people to see at ConQuest than me, namely Patrick Rothfuss, George RR Martin, John Picacio and Teresa Nielsen Hayden to name a few):

ConQuest 44 (and pre) schedule (All times CT):


4 p.m. — TolkienQuest at Prospero’s Parkside Books 208B NW Highway 7, Blue Springs, Missouri 64014

Unfortunately, I may only be here early, but plenty of my friends are participating in some pre-ConQuest Tolkien fun. The event includes games, Tolkien trivia, readings and $200 in prizes. It’s free and open to the public.


3 p.m. — Theme’d for your pleasure podcast


Noon — Worldbuilding — Knowing vs. Showing (Moderator)

2 p.m. — The Good, Bad, Ugly Movie Adaptations (Moderator)

3 p.m. — Books on Tour (Moderator)


Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend Sunday so I can assist family in Oklahoma.


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